Three Ring Radio - “Chaz & AJ in the Morning”

My listening experience with “Chaz & AJ in the Morning” is a little unique. First, the show is broadcast out of Connecticut, but I live in an adjoining state. Second, I am only able to pick up the signal during the beginning of my commute to work. So for years, I have only been able to listen to the first parts of the show. Now, with the Chaz & AJ podcast, I can finally hear portions of the show that I previously missed.

“Chaz & AJ in the Morning” is a three ring listener friendly circus. Chaz, the ring leader, and AJ, the classic comic foil, wise crack on current news and issues, conduct interviews, play some music (after all WPLR 99.1 is a rock station) share moments from their everyday lives and host the occasional outside event, all the while taking calls from their audience, many of whom seem to call every day.

The daily podcast is actually a set of several seven to ten minutes bits that took place on a particular day. The segments are well labeled so you can pick and choose depending on your taste. You may or may not want to listen to say, Chris Berman of ESPN or Senator Joe Lieberman, who are some of the recurring guests on the show. Chaz & AJ also land quite a few interviews with figures in the entertainment industry, musicians on tour like Ian Anderson, celebrities promoting some unknown agenda like Corey Feldman, and cranky old men, like the late David Carradine (a classic Chaz & AJ moment).

And the events…there is the annual Christmas toy drive, a summer broadcast live from the beach, road trips to cities like Washington, DC and coming up this month the Chaz & AJ St. Patrick’s Day Party which was held on March 17th at the New Haven Gaelic Football & Hurling Club in East Haven, CT. I wasn’t there, but now I can share in the crazy through the podcast.

However, I do have one suggestion for the podcast. The part of the show that I can get on my car radio and which made me a regular listener is not available through the podcast. Each morning the show begins with a top ten list (all time sitcoms, which athletes made the most money in a given year, etc.). The listeners call in and try and fill in the list. If they get all ten, the next day’s list is played for the suffering of AJ. Each correct guess from that list leads to some physical abuse on AJ (snorting wasabi, getting whacked with a wiffle bat, fingers in a mouse trap, you name it; they’ve probably done it to AJ). Let’s get these hilariously cringe inducing moments out there for all to hear.

So hats off and a tight shirt alert to stalwart hosts, Chaz (he of the cynical mindset) and AJ (man boobs and clogs). Everyday they deliver. Give them a listen and have a few laughs.

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