2Cent History is not your typical talk fest podcast. It’s more of a lecture series like Corey Olsen’s the Tolkien Professor. It doesn’t have the imprimatur that an association with an academic institution would give it but make no mistake this is just as scholarly an endeavor as Oxford University’s “Not Shakespeare: Elizabethan and Jacobean PopularTheatre” (all three are available on iTunes).
2Cent History is going to be Marc Edelheit’s multi part look at historical events. Currently that consists of a lengthy series about the Shot Heard Round the World. I learned more about the people and events of the onset of the Revolutionary War than I had in all my years of schooling in American History and watching classics like “Johnny Tremaine” and “The Scarecrow” on Wonderful World of Disney.
I cite the television examples because this is entertaining listening. Marc is enthusiastic and has an engaging vocal style. He goes for the sweep of events, creating a blow by blow description that doesn’t get bogged down in statistics and dates. 2Cent History delivers dramatic moments, historic background on people and places. It even occasionally dips into “what if” scenarios…What if troops had arrived earlier? What if a critical call for help was delivered on time? And Marc does give his two cents along the way.
Be warned though, this is long. The run time is just under seven hours. And it’s all Marc’s voice. One thing I found distracting is that Marc will occasionally read a direct quote from one of the participants using a technique that makes his voice sound like it is being projected out of a tin horn. I know it is a one person budget but I would suggest that in future cycles he add a few extra narrators to cover these parts (neighbors, spouse).
Marc does not cite much source material during the podcast. I appreciate that because I don’t like taking notes while I am listening. He does make some relevant mentions and you can find out more by visiting the 2Cent History website (the link is attached). The website has all the social medium links available (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and has a Community for listener feedback and interaction. If you listen to 2Cent History or you are a history buff you will definitely want to visit.
Marc Edelheit has posted that his next subject will be the Battle of Britain. I am looking forward to hearing what his 2 cents are on that event. Until then I might rewatch Danger UXB.